Mobile Drip Irrigation Cost Share
​Mobile drip irrigation (MDI) combines the high application efficiencies of drip irrigation with the
mobility of a center pivot irrigation system allowing operators to manage application rates
throughout all crop growth stages. Mobile drip irrigation (MDI) can lower input costs for energy,
nutrients, and crop protectants if managed to its full potential.

What does cost share mean and how does it work?
Landowners can receive up to fifty percent cost share on these drip irrigation systems. Reimbursement can include a pump, MDI hardware, metering, and filtration system.

Applicants must meet the following criteria for their application to be considered:

Must be willing to share 10 years of future irrigation and crop data.

Must be willing to share the previous years irrigation and crop data.

Must be willing to maintain and operate the MDI system for 15 years.
For more information or to apply contact:
Dinah Rouleau, CBCD Program Manager
(509) 765-9618